The Insecure Ninja Gets A Tramp Stamp (But It’s In Latin) (Chapter 5)


Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5

In the history of the world, the human need to ‘fit in’ can be accredit to producing the highest amount of (harmless) regrettable acts. Most people recover by taking some time for their 5 stages and grow to learn a lesson out of it; the The Insecure Ninja sets himself apart by bypassing all of that using his Ninja technique of Intense Rationalization.

Being ‘alone in the city’ is a scary prospect and being subjected to the stigma of being ‘alone in the city’ is a scarier one. When The Insecure Ninja moved out of The Dojo In The Middle Of A Forest and moved into a city, his whole life was waiting to be shaped; the world was a scrumptious oyster. The Insecure Ninja decided to go all guns blazing in the hunt for a tightly knit group of friends he could weave himself into.

However, The Insecure Ninja’s best foot had unfortunately been put forward in a direction colored only by delusion, much like how a young lady in hopes of finding fame would put her best foot forward in a basement photo studio or how a jittery rooster on a romantic rendezvous with his rooster-lady-love would put its best leg forward in a new ‘fun and edgy place he knows’ called KFC.

What followed was a series of companionships so nauseating: ranging from high school students indulging in adolescent voyeurism to sports fan who could find no fault in considering themselves responsible for 11 men in another continent being able to deposit a ball in a net; but still couldn’t consider themselves responsible for raising children who wore Female Body Inspector T-Shirts and vandalized school equipment under the intoxicating effect of non toxic glue. It took months of desperate searching to finally find a group of friends that were on the same wavelength as him, in addition to being fun and dauntless.

A source of tremendous poignancy is the imagery of an outsider looking intently at a group of people who are so enviably free spirited. Trying to cast aside his demons, or waiting for the day when they have been cast aside. Waiting to be just like them, having equal honesty in laughter as theirs, equal excitement in squeals as theirs, equal anger in frowns as their, equal relief in embraces as theirs. Waiting to not be burdened by two co-existing  sentients: projected and real, when just one can crush a lion’s heart.

The Insecure Ninja too found a group which fit the description. With whom he spent countless moments within, but truly without. A sense of wonder and admiration warming his insides, but the all consuming desire to be just like them cooling them back down. It didn’t even matter to him that collectively they called themselves ‘The Horny Monkeys’.

The Horny Monkeys Triad was unofficially led by Jaun La Pierre (whose french tongue would emit ‘Ze ‘Orny Monkeys’ instead). The Insecure Ninja was floored by everything they did – how they would slip into women’s night gowns and bike around town with equal virility equal panache, how Jaun La Pierre would seduce a croissant and make sweet passionate love with it in his mouth, how their motorcycle adventures were undertaken sans helmets, how they called themselves a triad even though none of them were Chinese, how they would, in impeccable unison, rub their nipples at unsuspecting families while reciting the chant ‘Nipple Nipple Nipple Nipple Nipple’, or how they would fling merde (pardon my french) at the retired members of The Undead Army. And though The Insecure Ninja could be seen by a bystander to be partaking in each of those activities, it just wasn’t real.

The members of Ze ‘Orny Monkeys Triad would sometimes wake up from nights of inadvisable amounts of alcohol consumption to find their ‘instruments of ‘orniness’ to have become ‘kosher’ overnight. They were able to laugh it off and graciously accept the brand new attention they would receive from middle aged Jewish women. In the midst of all the amiable hooliganism and fait accomplis, it always remained ambiguous to The Insecure Ninja whether Ze ‘Orny Monkeys were humans who had taken on the name ‘Horny Monkeys’ or if they were actual horny monkeys.

In the quest to become a naturalized citizen of Ze ‘Orney Monkeys triad, The Insecure Ninja found himself in a moment in time in which there were 14 pairs of eyes stationed on him ,containing everything from, and in between, disappointment and excitement.

He had just been dared to get a tramp stamp.

This was one of the many nights of inebriation, where the lack of inhibitions led the Insecure Ninja to have the confidence to overcome his inability of saying ‘No’ and successfully refused getting a tramp stamp, without hesitance. But a week later, in the claws of crippling sobriety, The Insecure Ninja succumbed to his weakness.

Whoever said tramp stamps have any sort of a deficit in class? People – that’s who. There is no objective truth to be applied here, it’s all perspective. Lower back is skin just the same as thigh and just the same as buttocks. I, a strong, independent, liberated Ninja shouldn’t even entertain this chain of thought. It shouldn’t even be allowed entry into my mind. I should be thinking instead about what I would like to get inked on my body. Some tattoos are impressive for their inherent aesthetic beauty. No need for a mountain of background or subtext behind it. Tattoos don’t have to be quintessential representation of one’s identity…. Though if I am getting something permanently stamped on my body, it should damn well come close. That, which has truly affected the very essence of my being….. The essence of my being, on my lower back (which I insist on thinking with conviction) is a neutral zone of the body.

The day ended with the martially trained body of The Insecure Ninja pristine-no-more. The small of his back had been put under the needle. ‘Small of the back’ was the wording chosen by The Insecure Ninja. ‘Lower back’ apparently ‘does not have the ring to it’ he always insists. This was a sentiment shared only by literotica writers.

Being a member of Ze ‘Orny Monkeys Triad did not mean The Insecure Ninja had to renounce his selfhood, and that’s why the brand-new addition to the anatomy of The Insecure Ninja was the Latin phrase ‘Ad Astra’.  

‘Ad Astra’ is a Latin phrase which means ‘to the stars’. The Insecure Ninja decided he needed a constant reminder, especially in moments of adversity, to always shoot for the stars – to propel himself forward and take risks and be bold. One may ponder though, the tattoo not being visually accessible to his eyes, how could it possibly serve as any sort of a reminder?  

But in his heart of hearts, The Insecure Ninja knows he will never forget that there is a Latin Tramp Stamp right across his ass.

 Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5

The City Of Ovum Whale and The Insecure Ninja (Chapter 4)

Ovum Whale

Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5

The City Of Ovum Whale

The Insecure Ninja lives in The City Of Ovum Whale. Ovum Whale has a rich history, in the sense that the rich wrote the history and screwed over the poor. The rich also wrote their own economics, politics, even their own bread recipes (though that was more of a hobby).

That is why there is a bar made of pure gold placed horizontally in the middle of town square two inches above the ground called The Poverty Line (and to add to the insult a lot of the poor have tripped on it). It is also why the history books say that the rich fought off an army of zombies called The Undead Army to protect the poor.

The truth, however, is that the rich were responsible for the very existence of these zombies. These zombies were in fact a recipe of Baguettes gone horribly wrong.  This information is only known to the rich and in another city, located to the south of Ovum Whale.

This southern town lied on the bank of a sea which held a rather handsome population of Sperm Whales. A liquid waxy substance called Spermaceti is found on the temple of a sperm whale. This substance is often greedily retrieved by humans to be used as a lubricant for various industrial (and non-industrial) purposes.

The residents of this southern town could be generalised as lovers of puns and generally lacking in creativity. It was this lack of creativity which played a big part in the city being named ‘Sperm Whale’. The Runner up was ‘Spermicity‘. The Sea was named ‘Sea Men’. These people could not, however, be generalised as psycho whale murderers. Consequently, they could be generalised as ‘dry doggers’.

When the people of The City of Sperm Whale asked the Sperm Whales nicely to surrender their sperm, they only met with disappointment and an unlubricated lifestyle. That was the end of that.

A few years later, a boat full of European pilgrims, looking for India (and validation) made land at The City of Sperm Whale. It seemed like the perfect fit for them as they were too, abnormally interested in puns and lacking creativity.  The singular difference being they could be generalised as psycho whale killers (and also psycho people killers).

The pilgrims started incessant Sperm Whaling, and also people-ing. They wiped out nearly the entire population of the native inhabitants of The City Of Sperm Whale. It was a grim affair, but is now, (a few hundred years later), celebrated (and called Whalecomegiving) up north in City Of Ovum Whale.

Things weren’t all sunshine and lubrication forever for The Pilgrims either. The Pilgrim lifestyle did not agree with living in a place where people called themselves Lubricators, and ‘Honey, I’m going to get us some sperm and sell it to the nun’ was not only a household sentence but was repaid with gratitude and a sweet peck on the lips. The city was also being billed as ‘The City Of Lubrication’ by neighborhood settlements. All this rubbed them the wrong (though lubricated) way.

The Europeans also didn’t like the sound of the word ‘spermaceti’ which their families back in Europe took as an outrageously unholy variation of an Italian recipe.

The Pilgrims finally cut ties with The City Of Sperm Whale and settled on the banks of the same sea but up north. The sea which was named Sea Men by the pun loving natives of The City Of Sperm Whale was renamed to Men Sea. It was only after every single pilgrim had chipped in with his own lack of creativity, did they zero in on the name ‘Ovum Whale’.

Attack of The Undead Army

A few times in its history, The City Of Ovum Whale was at war with The Undead Army.

The Undead Army is an army of zombies who just like to wreck shit. They chose Latin as their language of operation because it is a dead language and that suited them pallet-wise.

That was until The Undead Army came up with their own language, Maggot Tongue. They did, however, decide to keep their Latin motto ‘Mortuum Lingua’.

The Undead Army used to call itself ‘The Blood Spillers’, but because of a translational gap between Maggot Tongue and English, it translated to the ‘The Blood Flowers’ in English.

[Note: Flower here doesn’t refer to a plant’s reproductive structure, but the noun form of the verb ‘flow’)

The Undead Army declared war on the City of Ovum Whale .The citizens who had found pride in calling themselves ‘ovums’ (and not ova), were being killed as blood ‘flowed’ at regular time intervals and ovums died. The whole episode made for a rather unfortunate analogy, something that wasn’t helped by the fact that it all took place on the edge of Men Seas.

It was only thanks to The Insecure Ninja that the situation was neutralized, but that’s a story for another URL.

Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5

Acneman And The Insecure Ninja (Chapter 3)


Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5

Acneman was The Insecure Ninja’s sidekick and best friend (in that order). He was as useful as a bookmark, and about just as cherished too.  When Acneman was but an adolescent, his parents enrolled him in a Self-Bullying Program. There was no reason for this.

Acneman is so habitual to existential crises, he eventually learnt to regard having existential crises as the meaning of life. In fact, it was in those moments in which he was not experiencing any existential crises that he suffered the worst of his existential crises. Those would then come full circle to make him feel better again.

It was during Acneman’s biggest Pizza Regret episode (when you decide to order a large pizza whilst not binding yourself in the shackles of social participation, but then regret the decision midpizza. The regret then spills over to every other decision you ever made in your adult life). The Insecure Ninja sensed this and tried to help out. He asked Acneman ( actually sent his mother) if he could buy half the pizza and eat it solitarily in his own room. They clicked. They have lived together ever since, and vowed to support and learn each other’s idiosyncrasies. It is kinda cute, but only if their dysfunctions are romanticized enough.

Acneman’s arch rival is The Go-Green Goblin, the environmentally conscious destructor of the city. Over the years, The Go-Green Goblin has attacked The City Of Ovum Whale (the city in which The Insecure Ninja and Acneman reside) numerous times, but never all guns blazing, because that would be environmentally irresponsible. He preferred strategically performance optimized arsenal of guns blazing.

Acneman has been targeted by The Go-Green Goblin repeatedly, each time more intense than before. However, Acneman has always managed to slip out. Acneman considers The Go-Green Goblin his Captain Ahab, though The Go-Green goblin doesn’t consider Acneman his Moby Dick. Not even close.

One particular altercation between the two has found cultural significance in the lore of the City Of Ovum Whale:

This one time, Acneman rescued himself from drowning in the least dramatic way possible.

Imagine you had the terrible fortune of finding yourself drowning in a fluid (of not even your choosing). For all you know, it could be hyperblended mashed potato. Or even worse: Slice. Seriously, who even likes Slice? If Maaza is Zooey Deschannel, Slice is Katy Perry, after morphing half way into a meatball and sticking herself in a trash-can for 7 years.

If x is the maximum height of hyperblended mashed potato fluid (hereafter referred to as HBMP Fluid) in which you shall not drown and preserve your sacred life, what if someone tossed you in a tank with x + dx amount of HBMP fluid.

Could you drink this dx level of HBMP fluid around you and bring it down to x? Could you infact save yourself from drowning by drinking around you?

This question has perplexed the population of The city Of Ovum Whale, ever since it was given more philosophical significance that it deserved by a poet who had gained a reputation of speaking cryptically just because he had an obsession of windows and looking out of them.

The answer to the question was found to be yes, and it was Acneman who solved the age all riddle. The Go-Green Goblin had been defeated yet again, and Acneman had prevailed.

Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5

The Insecure Ninja meets The Asexual Pimp (Chapter 2)


Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5

This one time, The Insecure Ninja tried to impress a pimp.

He would return home few hours later and ask himself what business did the world’s saviour ever have trying to bedazzle a pimp. He would then decide that that particular door would be better off left unopened.

The Asexual Pimp is a scumbag. He is the human version of a Facebook poke. No one really knows what to do with him, but he is still there, popping by every now and then, in all his confidence and annoyance.

The Asexual Pimp has no problem joining conversations he was not meant to be a part of. Even if the topic of conversation is ‘how to inject The Asexual Pimp with flesh-eating bacteria’, he will join the conversation unfazed. His solitary laugh will then fill the awkward silence which his own jokes created. In addition, his laugh sounds like a whale mating call. The coast guard has to be alerted because a lot of horny whales show up at the shore.

The Asexual Pimp is not even asexual. He is pretending to be. He just saw a lot of shitty comedy movies in which characters would pretend to be gay to get girls.  So why did he go for asexual?

It’s equivalent to the situation when a person sitting ahead of you turns around and accuses you of kicking them. Imagine how convenient it would be to say at that point in time “How can I kick you if I don’t even have legs?” That’s why he picked asexual. He’s not even a scumbag, he is a scumbagbag. A bag of scumbags.

But when the the two of them met, The Insecure Ninja somehow turned his hate for The Asexual Pimp on himself and strived to gain his approval.

It was sad.

The Asexual Pimp proposed “Let’s get bitches and get drunk on the beach.”

The Insecure Ninja replied “you had me at bitches.” The reality, however, is that The Asexual Pimp had The Insecure Ninja at ‘lets’ because the Insecure Ninja always had a tough time saying ‘no’.

The Insecure Ninja only said  ‘bitches’ so that he could feign some sort of a rapport with The Asexual Pimp. It worked. He had no particular interest in the bitches or the beach or getting drunk. He would have said yes even if the proposal was: Let’s get bitches and drive down to my father’s retirement home and spoon feed him carrot stew.

(That would have never happened though because The Asexual Pimp is an orphan.)

After 4 hours of fake agreeing and fake laughing, and being at the top of his conversational game, The Insecure Ninja called it a night. He wasn’t even worried about the self-hatred as much as he was about the self-psychoanalysis that he was going to put himself through. He then thanked the heavens for not being an orphan and having involved parents. Who else would he blame all his shit on?

Anyway, everything worked out great when The Insecure Ninja found a roofie in The Asexual Pimp’s back pocket, and slipped it in his own drink.

Some day, The Insecure Ninja will not need everyone’s approval. Some day he will be content with his own views of himself. Until then, he will work to piss no one off until he eventually does. That would be the breakthrough. He could always go see a shrink.

Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5

The Insecure Ninja (Introduction)


Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5

The Insecure Ninja trained with an elite co-ed class of 19 other Ninjas. Their Dojo stood deep in the Forest of Armin. It is a forest of no legendary significance. His Sensei was a hardass taskmaster who used to dish out insults like a McDonalds’ employee dishing out McAloo-Tikkis during happy hour. The Sensei was overcompensating for his own soft spoken nature (which he learnt would never manifest into a word-of-mouth legend in the Ninja community).

Not everyone is like Harry Potter. After witnessing the murder of his parents, getting foster care worse than what a pack of rabid wolves would provide, Harry still had no borderline personality disorders. In fact, he was the flyest mother in town. No trust issues, no insecurity issues,no paranoia, no super strong defence mechanism, no moral ambiguity. He was scarred for life,yes, but only superficially.

The same can not be said about the Insecure Ninja.

Insecure Ninja’s issues are so deep, they have been internalized and disguised by his subconscious. Like sugar in Shikanji.

It is sad.

Even though he is a master of the sky-level and darkness-style Ninja techniques and has employed them to annihilate the deadliest villains that The Undead Sea had to offer, his arch nemesis has always been his crippling insecurities.

Since childhood, The Insecure Ninja has had a crush on his neighbour. She has no clue. The Undead Army has been undying to feast on her brains since as far back as his unrepressed memories go. This one time, the Undead Army kidnapped her, and he risked his own life to rescue her. But after delivering her home safely, all he could think about was whether she was really laughing at this one joke that he cracked on the way back, or if she was just being polite (as you do to someone who saved your life and don’t want to be rude). The over-thinking eventually turned into a panic attack and he had to buy a 20 Rs packet of Lays and finish it so that he could hyper ventilate into the bag.

Insecure Ninja would never get his own anime. He has less arrogance in his whole body than the 10 year old half-orphan Ash has in his cap. The Dalai Lama would be better at trash talking than him. He wouldn’t get an American TV show because his life has no visible drama and his father never said epic quotable things.The Insecure Ninja wears a mask, not to hide his identity, but to hide his tears. 

The Insecure Ninja also has a sidekick: Acneman.

Acneman’s arch nemesis is HD Cameras. Acneman and The Insecure Ninja met at a concert where they locked eyes and consequently made each other self-conscious about headbanging. Later, they figured out they had trained in the same Dojo. Owing to their low self esteems, both of them tried to be each other’s sidekicks. Eventually, a coin was tossed.

The heroes have chased countless criminals, but maybe they are only running because their inner demons are on their tail. However, the world has never doubted them. Even The Undead Army fears them. The Insecure Ninja isn’t the butt of some joke. The Insecure Ninja, or ‘The Ninja’ as the world knows him, is a badass in reality. Someday, he will know all this. He will be a strong, confident Ninja and take his mask off.

Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5